One of my lovely friends Anna is a photographer. She recently sent me a link to her new site. Not only does she have a crazy lovely Kiwi accent but her photography is fricken amazing!! It's too damn bad that she lives all the way in New Zealand - Gah! It seems most of my favourite people are from there (Anna, Brett and Jermaine). If she lived here I would hire her for all my famous fabulous events – I plan to have loads when I’m rich- and most definitely for my wedding (some day). Her photography is classic, artistic, feminine (without being too girly) and she really knows how to capture the moment. I love it!!

I love birds - this one is super special (first photograph at the top) - I love the colour, the depth and the way the one little bird is looking at the camera - beautiful! I also LOVE this car! Even though I can only see a small portion, I can already see myself driving into the NZ sunset, what a beauty!!